

Milling force free beam right angle double side milling machine

source:   author: time:2020-08-15 Visits:1770
It includes a transverse working platform and a longitudinal working platform, the transverse working platform is vertically connected with the longitudinal working platform, and the side surfaces of the transverse working platform and the longitudinal working platform are provided with a milling power assembly. The edge milling machine is equipped with two working platforms, which are vertical to each other, transverse and longitudinal, and each working platform is equipped with milling power assembly, so that the two sides of the workpiece can be milled at the same time, which greatly simplifies the processing process, reduces the labor intensity of the operator and improves the work efficiency.

More high quality price milling machine, there are pressure beam milling machine, no pressure beam edge milling machine, end face milling machine, end face milling machine, planer. Please pay attention www.dsdnz.com
All rights reserved:WUXISHI XILI MILLING MACHINE CO.,LTD(www.dsdnz.com)  Su ICP 15043207-1 Design :25318.cn

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